Dear all,
As O-City is coming to an end, we would like to present to you the results of the work done for the project by Carnica Institute (Layer House) and BSC Kranj.
During the O-City project, we were promoting the progress and the activities of the project on our social network: with Facebook posts, with newsletters that Layer House is regularly sending to media partners and to the public and with posts equipped with photos on Layer House website.
In January 2021 the first multimedia item was made – it is a video about the City of Kranj. We have also started with the idea about the KRA-KRA project in cooperation with five Kranj primary schools and Kranj public cultural institutions – the Gorenjska Museum, the Prešeren Theater in Kranj and the Kranj City Library. It’s a cultural program for primary school students in the last triad which encourages their active learning about professions in culture and Carniola’s cultural and natural heritage. Pupils themselves became creators of multimedia content (video and podcast), with which their classmates and lower grade students acquire knowledge about culture in Kranj in a way that is (more) close to children and adolescents today. We want to further develop the content and technical materials in the future and include new student products in the project. The goal is to make the online platform a modern tool in cultural education in the long run. In autumn this year we have started to send emails to teachers to attract new students and pupils and they have already answered with a positive attitude.
You can find more about KRA KRA project here: All the videos of KRA KRA project will be also seen on O-City platform.
According to the tutoring plan we organized video education about how to teach teachers about creating videos and podcasts and how to teach students about it. It was a virtual event, very well accepted among teachers. We had more than 20 participants from five Kranj elementary schools. The event was led by Lavoslava Benčič, Slovenian artist, teacher and a creator in the field of culture from 1985. She has gained numerous experiences in ideological concepts, designs and implementation of media projects and she works at the Institute and Academy of Multimedia in Ljubljana as a qualified lecturer in the field of multimedia production.
To promote the O-City project we have also organized events to attract new teachers and invite new professionals in the field of education. It was a kind of a national workshop with an open discussion about the future of education, new techniques and approaches, and the O-City project was presented and promoted.
In the autumn of 2021 we had started with a new round of podcast production, this time it was about natural heritage. We also translated all multimedia items to English language and made a podcast Let’s talk about Kranj which is about Kranj cultural heritage in general.
In October 2021 we also started to organize the final meeting of the project, which took place in Kranj in Škrlovec Tower from December 12th to December 14th and was a hybrid event due to Covid-19 situation. Apart from project results, plans for future and undone tasks, the cultural visit of Kranj and Ljubljana was also organized.

Photo by Maša Pirc
With kind regards,
Layer House – Carnica Institute
BSC Kranj