Main goals of the project
Digital transformation of traditional economic sectors
Although the orange economy is associated with culture, in its most innovative aspect linked to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), its field of application is wide, especially in many traditional economic sectors in the process of digital transformation.
Preparation of training plans in both professional and personal skills
The demand for ICT professionals’ experts in the creation of multimedia is growing and our educational systems require catalysts that help our teachers to stimulate training processes, through real projects whose resolution increases the motivation of our students. For this we propose some new methodologies suitable for being applied in the classroom.
Discovery and promotion of culture
Project-based learning (PBL) is more effective the more real the proposed projects are to students. The culture that floods our cities offers the ideal framework to develop these projects.
Explore the O-City planet
The Orange Planet consists of two platforms: a Web Platform (called O-City World) which is a showcase of the heritage of our cities throughout some creative items , and an e-learning platform that contains the formative plan related to the implementation of these creative items.
You can learn more about this project here. These videos will help you to understand it better
latest news
Teaser of ‘Sentir’ about Rompeolas by Sorolla
The cultural and natural heritage platform O-CITY presents the teaser of the audiovisual documentary about the painting ‘Rompeolas’ by Joaquín Sorolla, produced by Sergii Chebotarenko with artificial intelligence (AI) tools and applications. . . . The O-CITY Territori...
O-CITY at Campus Praktikum UPV Gandia-2024
O-CITY participates in the Campus Praktikum of the Polytechnic University of Valencia Gandia . The Campus Praktikum 2024 took place at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) from 17 to 21 June. This activity is aimed at excellent students who are in their first...
O-City brings creativity to the UPV ForoE
O-CITY participates in the Employment Forum "ForoE" of the Gandia Campus (UPV) promoting Valencian heritage, thanks to the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia. . . The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair participated on...