An analysis of the institutional, educational and entrepreneurial framework related to the orange economy in Spain, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and Colombia is made in this work package. This study presents a view of the state of the art in each country and reflects clearly the awesome opportunity that the orange economy offers to enhance the economy of these countries through entrepreneurship. The outcome R1.1 Orange Economy: The knowledge and Entrepreneurial sector presents the results of this study. This report also includes: 1) a review about the Intellectual Property regulation in the partner´s countries; 2) a revision of the number of patent applications, from 2009 to 2018, in these countries; 3) some funding opportunities for cultural and creative enterprises and the educational context; 4) a list of best practices from the creative industries, including some cultural networks, private and public initiatives and online platforms.


This work package has studied new ways of identifying and classifying the cultural and natural heritage of our cities. Some templates have been developed and have been used as a guide to introduce heritage in the O-City World platform, with the collaboration of the municipalities of the cities involved in the project. The outcome R2.1 Creative cities: culture for development addresses the conclusions of this study and includes a detailed description of the process of registering cultural and natural heritage, grouping heritage elements and registering new cities and city networks in the O-City World.


The work in this WP has been centred on searching different ways of exploiting a creative item, focusing on creative products and services. Partners have discussed the typology of creative products and services as well as their integration in the economy market, and have selected six multimedia prototypes to be developed in the project: photo-video concept, video, animation, podcast, comics and infographics. Moreover, the modelisation of the creative value chain for each one of these prototypes has been implemented as a guide to those who want to start a new business in the orange economy sector. Report R3.1 Business models and processes for creative industries reflects this work. Additionally, twelve creative multimedia items have been implemented as prototypes. These multimedia are perfect examples of what a learner of the O-City Learning program can achieve after following our technical courses. O-City partners have collaborated with artists and multimedia professionals in order to make these multimedia prototypes. These multimedia have been uploaded to the O-City World, linked to the Heritage that they represent. Report R3.2 Creative items presents the twelve prototypes implemented including links to their representation in O-City World.


This WP has focused on the development of the formative plan. First, partners have identified different types of teaching and learning methodologies and creative educational tools based on technology. The conclusions of this study can be found in report R4.1 Top 6 educational tools, which has helped us to define Training modules and materials which are part of the O-City Learning Library. Many of the tools detailed in this report can be found in the O-City Learning Library and the methodology E-SCRUM has been developed for the 6 technical courses.

We implemented four modules with 17 courses, which can be found in the O-City Learning Library and in R4.2 Training Modules. These courses are directed to teachers, with activities and material that can be directly used in the classrooms. Most of the resources of O-City Learning Library have been translated to Spanish.

Additionally, partners have designed the proposal of a global graduate program for the future practitioners who will work and develop this sector. The graduate programme is presented in R4.3 Design of a Graduate Programme for The Studies For Professionals in Orange Sector, it is oriented to learning by doing and uses Project Based Learning to implement products related to Orange Economy, which will feed the O-City World.


R5.1 Creativity and Soft skills for the XXI century details the process of creation of a Competence Schema with rubrics that can help to evaluate the soft skills achieved by the students while creating multimedia for the O-City World. Ten soft skills have been chosen as the most important in the whole creative value chain. Making students aware of these competences and developing them through the courses could improve the students’ professional future. These rubrics are based on EntreComp and DidiCom frameworks, but have been adapted to the Orange Economy. This competence scheme has been implemented on the O-City World, so that teachers are able to evaluate them when uploading their student’s multimedia. On the other hand, the accreditation of competences is done through the O-City World, where each student who created a multimedia has his own author sheet with information about the multimedia implemented and his competence curriculum. The description of the badges and the rules to accredit their achievement level can be found in R5.2 Badges for creativity and soft skills.


R9.4 Europass Description includes the Europass description of the 17 courses in the O-City Learning Library to achieve recognition of the training developed.