O-CITY at Campus Praktikum UPV Gandia-2024

O-CITY participates in the Campus Praktikum of the Polytechnic University of Valencia Gandia . The Campus Praktikum 2024 took place at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) from 17 to 21 June. This activity is aimed at excellent students who are in their first...

O-City brings creativity to the UPV ForoE

O-CITY participates in the Employment Forum "ForoE" of the Gandia Campus (UPV) promoting Valencian heritage, thanks to the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia.   .   . The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair participated on...

Audiovisual challenge O-City Fallas 2024

O-CITY presents the exciting result of the audiovisual challenge with the talented German filmmaker Jonas Grundmann, during the Fallas of Valencia 2024.   .   . The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair has just presented the result of the audiovisual challenge with...

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Songs from Ukraine heritage O-CITY

Songs from Ukraine heritage O-CITY

O-CITY project for the revival of traditional Ukrainian songs This initiative stemmed from a commission from O-CITY's project manager, José Marín-Roig, to recover ten traditional Ukrainian songs, selected by Italian musician Luca Bordonaro from The Polyfonic...

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