The O-City platform recreates the “Cancionero Musical de la provincia de Valencia” (Musical Songbook of the province of Valencia) with Artificial Intelligence

All this work of recovery and exaltation -with new technologies- of the Valencian musical heritage has been carried out within the framework of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair.

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Commissioned by the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair, the musician Luca Bordonaro has taken the “Cancionero Musical de la provincia de Valencia”, compiled by Salvador Seguí and published in 1989 by the Diputación Provincial de Valencia, and digitised it, performing three songs from each region of the Province of Valencia on clarinet.

Luca has generated the score and the song performed, to which the multimedia producer Pedro Monteros has incorporated images to graph a video for each musical comment, thanks to Artificial Intelligence tools such as Canva + Magic Multimedia (AI) and Runway technology.

The result is a “heritage file” consisting of the score, the clarinet performance and the video with AI, which is now available on the cultural and natural heritage platform O-CITY:

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“Goigz D’Alzira” is a song from village of Faura, in the Camp de Morverdre region. Festive – Drinking Songs. Digitized from the ‘Musical Songbook of the Province of Valencia,’ compiled by Salvador Seguí, published by Diputación Provincial de Valencia (1989). This melody is divided in two sections: a first choral intro, harmonized mostly in thirds, which gives a light and bucolic energy to the song; and a second section that acts as a verse with a melody that creates an ascending and descending arc shape.


“Maces, maces” song from the village of Gilet, County of Camp de Morverdre”, “Children’s Songs – ‘Salpassa. Digitized from “Cancionero Musical de la provincia de Valencia’, compiled by Salvador Seguí, 1989, Diputación Provincial de Valencia. Playful melody composed by semitone intervals and sudden changes of rhythm from 2/4 to 3/4 but that still make musical sense. The lyrics (“xibiribiri, xabarabara” for example) also very clearly outline the playfulness of this kids’ song.,-maces-gilet


“Murga” from the village of Cuartell, County of Camp de Morverdre”, Festive – Humorous Songs. Digitized from “Cancionero Musical de la provincia de Valencia’, compiled by Salvador Seguí , published in 1989 by the Diputación Provincial de Valencia. Beautiful and simple melody that uses motivic development grows and grows, especially with the fast repetition at bars 10, 11, and 12, until a new melody is born, at bar 13. The big upward jump between Sol and Fa signifies the release of the tension previously bilt. Another climatic element is the high Sol at bar 17, highest note of the piece, repeated multiple times.


Luca explains that from the 1,000-page book, he chose three songs for each Valencian region to transcribe in a contemporary format, given that the melody was ancient. “I rewrote it and exported it in MIDI format, so that music producers and producers can use it in their reinterpretations, based on that melody. I also included a musical analytical commentary (as you can see in the description of each content), very simple, to give some context and explain in a fun, interesting way, to help people connect with that melody. With this, I believe that the dissemination of Valencian culture in the world is facilitated”.

Meanwhile, Pedro comments that “we are using AI applications (Canva + Runway) to add to the heritage element representative songs from the popular songbook of the Province of Valencia a video that accompanies the interpretation of the song and allows us to imagine the context in which each piece of music was created and staged”.


All this work of recovery and exaltation -with new technologies- of the Valencian musical heritage has been carried out within the framework of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair.


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This multimedia content on Valencian musical heritage is part of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia.



O-CITY is a technological platform for education, collaboration and international tourism promotion, the digital tool developed and led by the UPV Campus in Gandia in the context of a European project, which evolves day by day by and for people:

O-CITY cultural and natural heritage platform enables the digitisation of tourist information about any place, offering multimedia information and virtual tours. A platform open to citizen participation in which anyone can generate content about any place in the world.

O-CITY is currently working with the Government of Ukraine to place a representation of the country’s cultural and natural heritage on the digital atlas.