O-CITY took part in the Smart Tourism Conference at the Universitat Politècnica de València on 24th November.

The intervention of José Marín-Roig Ramón, O-CITY leader, dealt with the use of technologies in the platform such as those used for the management of a Smart Tourism Destination.

At the II Jornadas de Turismo Inteligente of Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Gandia campus, José Marín-Roig Ramón, leader of the O-CITY platform, participated in the round table on “Technological solutions” with companies and solutions specialised in the sector.

Jornadas-turismo-inteligente-24nov-5José Marín-Roig Ramón, leader of the O-CITY platform, participating in the round table on “Technological solutions” at the conference.

The O-CITY platform took part in the II Jornadas de Turismo Inteligente at the Gandia campus of the Universitat Politècnica of Valencia (UPV) on 24th November, led by the leader of this cultural and natural heritage platform, José Marín-Roig Ramón. His intervention dealt with the use of technologies in the O-City.org tool, the same ones that are currently used for the management of an Intelligent Tourist Destination (ITD).

The O-CITY round table, which also included representatives from companies such as Infotourist, Optimizadata, BSC Solutions and Unblock The City, explored different technological tools, and the interactions between them, for the management of an ITD.

The Smart Tourism Conference of the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, whose second edition was entitled “Technology and Tourism Competitiveness”, was aimed at students of the Gandia campus whose degrees are related to tourism and new technologies and professionals related to or interested in tourism management and the implementation of new technologies in this sector.

Technology and Tourism Competitiveness
The aim of this conference was to inform local companies and professionals and UPV students and teaching staff about the latest advances that are being made in the area of tourism in general and in particular in the field of so-called Smart Tourism. To this end, governance experiences in both the private and public spheres were addressed, and different technological solutions linked to the digitisation of tourist destinations were presented, analysed and discussed.