O-CITY participates in the Employment Forum “ForoE” of the Gandia Campus (UPV) promoting Valencian heritage, thanks to the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia.
The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair participated on April 18th in the Employment Forum “ForoE” of the Gandia Campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), with a stand that included a sample of our most recent audiovisuals and a photo booth with photographs of Valencian heritage in which attendees could insert themselves (through a chroma) and take printed and/or download to their mobile phones using a QR code.

José E Capilla, rector de la UPV

José Manuel Prieto, alcalde de Gandia

Mª Dolores Salvador, vicerrectora UPV

Avelino Mascarell, alcalde de Xeraco

Elena Moncho, concejala economía Gandia

Pedro Izquierdo, representante de FAES
This promotional action of our atlas of cultural and natural heritage, aimed at companies, institutions, students, researchers and entrepreneurs gathered at this great university event, was made possible thanks to the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia.
From right to left: the mayor of Gandia, José Manuel Prieto Part, the audiovisual producer Sergii Chebotarenko, the rector of the UPV, José E Capilla, the musician Luca Bordonaro, the director of O-CITY, José Marín-Roig Ramón, the director of communication of O-CITY, Alexander Díaz Maldonado, and the Latvian professor Agnese Leikuse.
Those attending the fair had the chance to talk to some of the O-CITY filmmakers and creatives present, as well as to have fun and take away a souvenir with the photo booth of heritage elements of the province of Valencia.
The “Foro E” also served to detail to the authorities present and the general public the advances in the creation of heritage content and the renovation project in the design of the digital map.
Likewise, to inform about the gala presentation of the 2023 activities report, an event that will take place at the Diputación de Valencia on Wednesday 4 June.
O-CITY brought creativity to the “ForoE” Employment Forum on the Gandia Campus (UPV) promoting Valencian heritage