Valencia Provincial Council renews its commitment to the continuity of the O-City Territori Valencià Chair
VISIT of the president of the State Agency of Tourism of Ukraine, Mariana Oleskiv to the Palau Ducal dels Borja on January 16, framed in the closing ceremony of presentation of results of the project of the Chair O-CITY Territori Valencià in Gandia.
The Valencian Deputy for Social Welfare and Democratic Quality, Pilar Sarrión Ponce, has ratified her support for the continuity of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair during 2023, in a meeting held on 7 February with the director of the O-CITY Chair, José Marín-Roig Ramón.
The mayoress of the municipality of Anna, Sarrión Ponce, received the report of activities 2022 and the projects for 2023, among which, according to Marín-Roig, highlights the compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the promotion of the intangible heritage of the province of Valencia.
The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair, an initiative promoted by the Universitat Politècnica de València and sponsored by the Provincial Council of Valencia, “is formed to discover and promote the natural and cultural heritage of every corner of the province of Valencia in a unique, digital and open platform, as an essential way for the development and transmission of cultural and sustainable values. Through this project, the UPV proposes a Development Plan for the digitisation and enhancement of heritage in the territory of Valencia, focusing on all its counties and municipalities”, as detailed in the report.
The Valencian deputy for Social Welfare and Democratic Quality, Pilar Sarrión Ponce, received the 2022 activity report and the projects for 2023, among which, according to Marín-Roig, are the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the promotion of the intangible heritage of the province of Valencia.
Following this meeting at the Provincial Council of Valencia, the procedures for the renewal of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair have begun, with the emphasis on the value of intangible heritage as a sign of identity of the territories. During the current year, efforts will focus on the digitisation of the most authentic stories, legends and customs of the province of Valencia. From this base, an action plan will be carried out for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which to involve the Valencian heritage wealth and its main agents towards development and sustainability purposes.
It is intended to deepen and broaden to a large extent the lines of action of the previous exercise, in which the following results stand out:
- Training has been given to UPV scholarship holders (as company internships) in the use of the platform, in a context of agile methodologies, together with the necessary tools to carry out their work.
- Validation processes have been carried out by experts and the registration of heritage resources.
- A promotional spot has been produced to promote the tourist attractions of the province of Valencia and to reinforce the importance of the regions.
- Data integration protocols have been developed using APIs to facilitate the interoperability of content with databases of companies in the smart tourism sector.
- As part of the communication plan, the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair website has been created for the management and presence of content structured by counties.
Download O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair Report 2022
O-CITY is a technological platform for education, collaboration and international tourism promotion, the digital tool developed and led by the UPV Campus in Gandia in the context of a European project, which evolves day by day by and for people:
La plataforma de patrimonio cultural y natural O-CITY permite digitalizar la información turística de cualquier lugar, ofreciendo información multimedia y visitas virtuales. Una plataforma abierta a la participación ciudadana en la que cualquiera puede generar contenidos sobre cualquier lugar del mundo.
The O-CITY cultural and natural heritage platform enables the digitisation of tourist information about any place, offering multimedia information and virtual tours. A platform open to citizen participation in which anyone can generate content about any place in the world.
O-CITY is currently working with the Government of Ukraine to position the country’s entire cultural and natural heritage in the digital atlas.