Students of the Erasmus+ O-CITY Project training programme of the Gandia Campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, visit Alzira (Valencia) in order to obtain material for their multimedia projects on the platform.

The visit is part of one of the activities of the O-City Erasmus+ Project course.

visita a Alzira Erasmus Project-3

Twenty-two students from Türkiye, Ireland, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Morocco and Italy, accompanied by teachers Soledad Antonucci y Nacho Yusim, visited the Valencian town of Alzira on Saturday 2 December.


Within the subject “O-CITY Erasmus+ Project”, the students develop multimedia projects on cultural and/or natural heritage of their cities of origin and a city in the province of Valencia. This semester, the selected city was Alzira.

This activity has been funded by the Provincial Council of Valencia, through the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair. Within the international project

Activity financed by the Provincial Council of Valencia, Diputación de Valencia, through the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair, within the international project

The institutional greeting of the visit was given by Xavier Pérez i Juanes, councillor for Historical Heritage and Tourism at the MUMA museum. The councillor accompanied the visitors on a tour of the tourist route.

Representing the Polytechnic University of Valencia were José Marín-Roig Ramón, professor at the UPV and director of the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair, and course lecturers Soledad Antonucci y Nacho Yusim.



According to the teachers of the Erasmus+ O-CITY Project course, “our 22 students from Türkiye, Ireland, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Morocco and Italy were welcomed in Alzira throughout the morning. Special thanks to Agustí Ferrer Clari, director of the MUMA museum in Alzira, and the tour guide Clara Polo Morellá (Alzira Cultural Tours), for their attention in the organisation and development of the visit”.




“And as an extra activity, surprise for the visitors, we have found a tasting of the typical sweet of Alzira, “La Regañá” in the oven of Bernia, bakery and pastry bakery in Alzira since 1907, Award for the best “reganyà” in 2022″, have indicated the teachers of the course O-City Erasmus+ Project.