UPV leads O-CITY META, a project presented to the European Commission that seeks to build a metaverse to enjoy art, culture and heritage.


“The O-CITY META virtual world will create an aligned vision and approach to promote EU values and identities through the arts and heritage”.

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The cultural and natural heritage platform O-CITY has just presented, through the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and with the participation of twenty international partners from 11 countries, the European Erasmus+ project proposal “O-CITY META”.

For José Marín-Roig, director of the consortium, the O-CITY META proposal stems from the knowledge generated through the O-CITY tool, and aims to break down the barriers detected and solve the shortcomings, as well as face new challenges in the following areas: Cities and Institutions, Technologies, Society and Education, CCI (Cultural and Creative Industries).


However, “the great challenge goes beyond finding partial solutions to all these problems, and arises from the great learning obtained from O-CITY: what gives most value to our cities are the travellers who visit them. Therefore, creating a virtual world where our art and heritage can be seen is necessary, as well as having a map like O-CITY to navigate through it and get to know the culture of the cities, but none of this works without people. In this way, we want citizens from all over the world to be able to enjoy European culture with a tool like O-CITY META,” explains Marín-Roig.

O-City Meta working session

“If approved, it will be a virtual world of art, culture and heritage, where the integration of different cutting-edge multimedia technologies will offer an interactive experience.

According to the proposal submitted to the European Commission, the O-CITY META virtual world will create an aligned vision and approach to promote EU values and identities through arts and heritage. It will be a virtual world of art, culture and heritage, where the integration of different cutting-edge multimedia technologies (AR/VR, Photo/Video 360, 3D models, etc.), with video game mechanics, gamification and AI will offer an interactive experience for:


  • Tourists who want to get to know the cities they are travelling to through multimedia and immersive experiences.

  • Curious and studious people, who want to discover and learn about the culture of the cities by listening to stories told by their own protagonists or through local crafts and art.

  • Teachers and students, who are looking for new educational proposals aligned with 21st century technologies.


Marín-Roig concludes that “all of them will have the opportunity to live experiences in O-CITY META. Experiences that, beyond the pure knowledge of art and culture, transmit the essence of Europe’s values and connect the virtual world with the real world to generate local economy”.

Hashtags: #OCity #OcityMeta #Metaverse #ArtificialIntelligence #Multimedia #Interactivity #ArtificialIntelligence #IA #AI #AR/VR #Photo #Video #360 #3DModels #VideoGame #Gaming #Gamification



O-CITY es una plataforma tecnológica de educación, colaboración y promoción turística internacional, la herramienta digital desarrollada y liderada por el Campus de la UPV en Gandia en el marco de un proyecto europeo, que evoluciona día a día por y para las personas:

La plataforma de patrimonio cultural y natural O-CITY permite digitalizar la información turística de cualquier lugar, ofreciendo información multimedia y visitas virtuales. Una plataforma abierta a la participación ciudadana en la que cualquiera puede generar contenidos sobre cualquier lugar del mundo.

O-CITY colabora actualmente con el Gobierno de Ucrania para incluir en el atlas digital una representación del patrimonio cultural y natural del país.