O-City World that offers endless possibilities

O-City World that offers endless possibilities

O-City World that offers endless possibilities  Would you like to expand your knowledge and learn something completely new in the field of photography, cultural heritage, digital marketing, branding, business and other fields?    As part of the O-City project,...
Can comics narrate cities?

Can comics narrate cities?

Article by Materahub In every story, especially those told by comics, places form the background to personal stories, drawn in certain contexts, presenting glimpses of particular everyday life, underlining and recounting the authenticity of places and therefore of...
Learning activity about Gamification

Learning activity about Gamification

Article by MEUS From July 7 to 9, the partners of the O-City Project, have been able to enjoy a learning activity about Gamification, where we received these three talks: Talk: “Cyber ​​garden: an example of teaching teachers”, by Mª Asunción Pérez, where she...